Is your sales and marketing team aligned?

reduce your stress.
be more successful.
acquire more clients.

Fish and chips. Jelly and ice cream. Gin and tonic. These are great examples of things that go together perfectly.

However, did you know sales and marketing is another example of two things that should work in perfect partnership?

Sales and marketing can often be at loggerheads with one another. Marketing complains that sales squander the leads they bring in, and sales moan that the leads marketing provides are of low-quality.

According to LinkedIn, 9 out of 10 people who work in sales and marketing say the two are misaligned. Not only that, but the misalignment has a negative effect on business.

Get these two teams working in perfect alignment though and your return on investment will skyrocket!

How to get your sales and marketing teams aligned

If you’re looking to get your teams working together in perfect harmony, here are some of our top tips:

  • Meet up regularly: Get your teams to meet up weekly or monthly to discuss what is going on in each department. If your teams are too large or remote to get everyone together, nominate someone from each department to act as a liaison
  • Find out what each team does: Knowing what each team does will help facilitate understanding. For example, marketing could attend sales pitches or sit in on sales calls to find out more about customer pain points
  • Bounce ideas off each other: Take time to brainstorm together and come up with creative solutions to issues. Why not set up a Slack channel so you can discuss potential ideas with each other, even if you are not in the same office?
  • Work on content together: Marketing must liaise with sales to ensure any content created is relevant to customer needs. You also need to ensure you have content targeted at all stages of the funnel
  • Bond together: Whether you go to the pub after work or arrange to go to trade events together, socialising and getting to know each other will help you gel better as a team

Looking for leads? We can help! Get in touch with us today to discover your market potential. 

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