The sales team is the beating heart of any company, so it must run as efficiently as possible.
If you are looking to give your sales team a tune-up, we have one top tip that will guarantee to make your salespeople more efficient…
… Split your sales team into specialist roles.
Many salespeople today wear many different hats. They are not only expected to close sales but also account-manage existing customers and find fresh leads. All of this can cause your salespeople to spread themselves too thin and make them less productive. As the saying goes, ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’.
Get the right salesperson doing the job they excel at, and your team will not only become more efficient, but your staff will be happier in their roles too.
Who should be my sale team’s lead generators?
The lead generators in your team will be the people finding fresh new leads, tracking down prospects and making the appointments for the rest of your team. It’s a tough job (according to HubSpot, 38% of salespeople say they struggle with prospecting the most), but a gratifying one.
Your lead generators will not be afraid to cold-call customers, will be charismatic and personable, know your product or service inside-out and have detective skills that put Sherlock Holmes to shame!
But wait… I don’t want to split up my team into lead generators!
If you have a small sales team or your current sales team are not best suited to becoming full-time lead generators, there is an alternative solution. Outsourcing your lead generation means that a third party will carry out your lead generation for you, while the rest of your team focus on closing sales and keeping your existing customers happy in the long-term.